Sunday, May 17, 2009

Calm before the storm

Let's face it. I can't keep a routine for crap. It's been a month since Freddie went underway and it is only now that I pick up the blog again. It's ok. It has taken me a month to readjust to life with out Freddie. It's hard to sleep at first. It's also hard to make less food and have no one to talk to late at night. On the positive side, the need to keep busy has given us the chance for new adventures. Chayla is in a fencing class. While she fences Mateo & I play (hopscotch, kickball, sprints). Mateo is in a sports class which he loves this time around. I've started a diet. We are looking forward to lots of traveling this summer (FL, MA, VA, NYC, DC), but also the quiet of being home & enjoying each other.

Today is a cool, quiet Sunday. Chayla is with her BF, Ariel, and Mateo is napping. My Dad is in the hospital (nothing serious, thank goodness), and so the house is completely and utterly quiet. Boy, do I appreciate this! It's rare to have quiet. It allows me to think; thinking that is not frenetic nor interrupted and therefore much more productive. I have about 30 minutes more of this so I will end my entry for today and go lay down to soak in the quiet. The storm will wake from his nap soon.