Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back on the horse

It's been more than a year since I last posted and a lot has happened. Primarliy, I had my second son, Tomas. His birth was an incredible journey. He's six months old now and the journey continues. We bought a house in MD and I am finally laying down some roots. Freddie is living in Norfolk while we maintain our lives in MD. Chayla is in full pre-teen mode and Mateo is in full-on crazy mode. Motherhood is a whole other experience when you are juggling more than one child, a husband who is not around, deciding to settle down and doing it all alone. The hardest part to navigate is not having time to myself. That's why I decided to start posting to this blog again. It's probably the only outlet I have.

So here I sit at 10:30 at night "talking" to no one instead of just going to bed and trying to rest before Tomas starts his nightly torture test. As soon as I close my eyes that kids wakes up. I probably would feel better about everthing in life if I just could get a full nights rest.

Hopefully I will be able to keep this up because I need the outlet. Now, I'm off to my other outlet - TV!