Friday, September 26, 2008

Blogging Beginner

I don't consider myself a good wirter. I've never really been inspired to write, but I figured I'd give this blogging thing a whirl since I need an outlet.

Freddie has been deployed since July. I was able to email him for the first part of the tour, but part II of the mission is more sensitive and communication is very limited. I have no way to communicate with him. I could call the Red Cross but I don't think missing him counts as an emergency.

I want this blog to serve as a record of our lives while he's gone. Here we go.

Chayla turned in her diorama project based on her research of the Pueblo people of the Southwest. Did you know the Pueblos would dig a hole, get in it, cover it with brush, lay a dead rabbit on it, and then wait for an EAGLE to take the bait. When the eagle landed, the Pueblo man would grab its legs and hold on for dear life, I suppose. She also got braces:

Mateo started Nursery school last week. He's a very serious little guy. While he loves to play with all the toys, he refuses to interact with any adult other than his teacher. His schol is a co-op so I have to assist the teacher a few times per month. Those were 2 of the most exhausting hours of my life. I think only labor and my Master's exam rank above it. And I used to teach! Here is how he left me the 1st day. Needless to say I was THAT mom who cried on the playground as he left.

My Dad is living with us while Freddie is deployed. He has been a tremendous help and I feel lucky to have him to watch my son. It's given me a lot more freedom and flexibility during a time when I feel a little overwhelmed. I haven't lived with my Dad since I was 18 so it's quite an experience. He's certainly more relaxed than when I was a kid but, since he has no hobbies or interests, he just watches the news and Keith Oberman. The election, the mess with the economy, FOX news, and the energy crisis serve as fodder for all his conspiracy theories. Don't even get him started.

As for me, my latest adventure has been personal training. By that I mean, I pay money for someone to motivate me to get to the gym and sweat. It's a big deal for me since I fell out of working-out once I got preggers and that was over 3 years ago. It's been a great distraction and stress-reliever while Freddie's gone.

Freddie is deep under water somewhere in the cold Atlantic. It's not a pleasant thought, but at least he isn't in a desert. For that, and many other things, I am grateful.


jtrain said...

For the past three years I've been one of those moms crying as I drop of my baby the first day of school and he's almost 6!

Memória said...

The photo of Mateo crying made me cry!! I remember that face! I remember that cry! I remember that feeling when he used to cry for moi! hehe

THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG!!! This is probably the most contact I'm going to get from you and the rest of the family haha.

p.s. You better keep a close eye on Chaylita, la Doña Juanita LOL