Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another day in November

This weekend I had to work the craft.bake sale at Mateo's nursery school. It's the annual fundraiser and it was actually much more fun than I expected. I was glad to see so much spending in support of local crafters and our neat,little co-op. All our baked goods sold, which is AWESOME considering how much effort parent's out into it. I wasn't the only one up until the wee hours of the night baking. I'm a little over baking, but I realize that it's not so bad and I can actually do it pretty well. All from scratch too!

Mateo has been cracking me up. He just gets funnier and funnier (altho he can be a pain in my butt just as much). It's a daily occurence that I tell him I am going to eat him up. Lately he's taken to protesting it. Yesterday when I asked him if I could him up he said, "no! You can kiss me mom," as he placed his little finger on his lips and smiled at me.

Today I was looking at the Victoria's Secret catalog that we randomly got. I flipped through regular Pj's, perfumes, sweaters. When I got to the lingerie part Mateo looked at it and exclaimed, "yuck, mom. Catwoman, yuck!" It's pretty hysterical that he associates lingerie with the 1960's version of Catwoman and that he doesn't like it! I think that my Dad was a little sensitive after I made this comment to him because when he saw Mateo with a book about ballet, in the shape of a ballerina's bag, he said he shouldn't hold it, "it's for girls." Well, I snapped my neck as I turned to stare down my Dad and proceeded to remind him that Mateo is allowed to like any book he wants!

Chayla's bday party is all set. I decided to just pay for it! I will have a clean house and no planning headaches! Chuck E. Cheese is getting a sweet check from us on Dec 6th and in return will provide 10 kids with pizza, tokens, and all around fun!

1 comment:

Memória said...

GOOD FOR YOU!! I'm glad you said what you said about Mateo and the book to your dad. He should be free to do or read whatever he wants. I will never understand why some parents expect their children to do or be certain things based solely on whether they have a penis or not haha.

Chayla's bday is coming up!!! WOOHOO!