Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Divine Intervention

I found myself awake last night, filled with anxiety about today. I waited until after the morning rush to cast my vote. The kids went with me and together we touched the screen for the Obama/Biden ticket. My eyes welled up with tears as I saw my "X" by that name. After 2 years of talking to friends, family, and total strangers, I felt like my part was done. I remember demonstrating at W's inaugration on a cold January afternoon 8 years ago. I was so mad and filled with disbelief, but that paled in comparison to how I was to feel over the next 90+ months. The first time I heard Obama speak, I KNEW this day was inevitable. So to all my friends and family who listened to me and bore with my love for politics, THANK YOU! I'm especially grateful to think that my children will grow up seeing a beautiful, intelligent, pregressive family of color living in the White House and think that ANYONE can live there--ANYONE!

Yes we can!

If tonight isn't an example of Divine Intervention, I don't know what is!

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