Sunday, November 30, 2008

Vegging out

Mateo was sick since Thursday and I thought I had avoided catching it, but alas, I did not avoid it. I woke up feeling like crap but since we had accomplished so much this weekend I decided it was ok to veg. We all woke up late and eventually we all snuggled up in bed to watch The Incredible Hulk. I think Chayla and I enjoyed it more than Mateo. He likes the nicer version of the Hulk; the one that gets excited about "weekends, sunny days, and the ice cream truck." It really is a quote from his book.

No word from Freddie yet. These last few days are going by so slowly. Since I haven't heard from him even by email, I'm worried that he won't be back for a while more. He just better be back by Dec 23rd because we have tickets to PR and I am getting the heck out of Dodge and on to tropical paradise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Props to you to keeping up with your blog! Hope Freddie comes back soon.