Sunday, October 12, 2008


Another beautiful autumn day. I took Mateo to the park where I was forced to go down these narrow slides and swing from zip lines (well, I wasn't forced to do the zip line :) I did my best to wear him down for his afternoon nap but I was completely unsuccessful (I wore myself out). He spent the better part of an hour screaming in his crib. I finally put him in bed with me where we both fell asleep. I needed that nap to be able to make it through the day; I had planned to translate through the rest of the day. It's now after 10pm and haven't done a thing. Still trying to figure out how to get things done while Mateo's awake OR effectively ignore him.

Chayla worked on an essay about surfing. She writes better than many high school students I know. Then she spent the rest of her day on the Pueblo poster & map project. She's incredibly talented; she can draw better than most adults I know- including me!

For all his crying, Mateo showed me how much of a big boy he really is becoming. TWICE he obeyed my request to clean up the mess he made, the 2nd one being his room. I couldn't believe he actually listened to me AND that he put stuff away where it belongs. Hope this lasts. While I spoke to grandma, Mateo was watching Dora the Explorer. She normally starts off with questions for the kids, but my son never answers. He stares, open-mouthed, and jumps around later in the show. Today he actually conversed with her:

Dora: Hi! I'm Dora, what's your name?
Mateo: Mateo
Dora: How old are you?
Mateo: Two!

It doesn't sound like much, but it made his Mama proud.

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