Friday, October 3, 2008

Port of Call

Today I decided to say goodbye to Mateo before I left for work instead of just sneaking out. I squatted next to him, gave him a kiss, and told him I was going to work. Next thing you know he had jumped onto my lap, grabbed my neck, and proclaimed that he was going to work too. Dora came to the rescue though and I had to sneak out the side door. This evening I was playing with him and Mr. Potato head. I told him that the mustache won't going to stick to the eyeballs. When I showed him how it worked he exclaimed, "good point, mami!" When I took him downstairs to say goodnight to abuelo, my Dad asked him if he was "pipi". Mateo proclaimed, "not yet; mami changed me." His increasing cognizance and vocabulary not only makes me laugh, but makes me proud. He is such a joy.

Yesterday morning Chayla woke up, gave a big stretch and as she recoiled back to her pillow she slammed her chin into the bed. This morning she did it again but slammed her mouth into the bed...the mouth that now has braces! Ouch! She looked like she was in a fight, poor thing. As I type she is at a sleepover across the street with her adopted Vietnamese family enjoying a WWE Smackdown.

I got all sorts of exciting news today. My dear friend from grad school, Esme, text me to announce she has joined the Obama ticket. A big move by a conservative, religious gal that grew up in TX and used to date a Marine. I think she even voted for Bush in '04 (gasp!). I'm so proud of her! At work, another group I am participating in got funding. This one will be a support group for young mothers at the school. Thank goodness the budget crisis hasn't quite hit this level of education funding. A mom from our playgroup, who is also a good friend here in MD, had her baby today. We are very excited for Alison J. and her growing family. Although she was 9 months pregnant she was thoughtful enough to invite us over to her house for dinner to provide me with a respite from cooking for the kids. I'll be happy to return the favor soon.

A few days ago I had a dream in which I was speaking to Freddie. I paused in mid-conversation ans asked if he was here did that mean he was staying or going back on the sub? He told me he was here for now but would rejoin the sub until Dec. I was upset but understood his position. Today I received an email from his coworker who is here in MD. This was the final piece of good news I received today. Freddie will be making an unexpected port of call within the next few days so I will be able to talk to him by phone 20 days earlier than I expected. While I don't expect him to be able to return to us soon, at least we will be able to hear his voice again.

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