Monday, October 27, 2008

Shake your booty

No kitchen until Wed (I hope it doesn't last longer). This sucks b/c I have to bake cupcakes for Mateo's class party on Thurs and for the Halloween party I promised the kids on Friday. This is nothing compared to the mess in my house and the fact that we can't use the kitchen to wash dishes or make food! The only sink I can use is in the bathroom, and that one was recently replaced and I don't wanna push my luck. I hope my bad luck ends soon.

Mateo was fighting sleep tonight. He ended up calling me over because he had to go potty. I didn't know if I should believe him because he is capable of lying at this point. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt and took him to the potty and sure enough he peed in the potty!!!

At dinner he was being silly. He kept getting out of his chair and singing, "shake your booty, shake your booty." He would shake his booty as he sang and cracked himself up. He managed to get Chayla and I to participate as well. I wish I had the camera on me!

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