Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Un día normal

Our house is so fickle. One day the basement ceiling is leaking, the next the kitchen floor is buckling, and today the lights (and only the lghts) from my bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and dining room stopped working. It's impossible to put on make up under these conditions.

The Latina mentoring group had its first meeting today. They were a little wary of being there. We asked them to answer some questions, like "when I graduate I want to..." One young lady answered "Get the F outta Maryland." At least she's honest. At home, my littlest Latina mentee (Chayla ;) asked me about how colleges decide if they want you: "Do they want to see your portfolio?" My kid is awesome. The importance of my job at home is never lost.

I attended Mateo's Nursery school's parent meeting (it's a co-op). Two and a half hours of info on bake sales and craft fairs. I have to make 4 receipes for the bake sale so please forward any faves. I need all the help I can get. Before I left, Mateo asked for water so I gave him a choice of the Batman or the Spiderman cup. He looked up into the cupboard and chose the Obama mug instead! I love my little politico.

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